[2] “I have loved you,” says the LORD. But you say, “How have you loved us?” “Is not Esau Jacob's brother?” declares the LORD. “Yet I have loved Jacob [3] but Esau I have hated. I have laid waste his hill country and left his heritage to jackals of the desert.”
(Malachi 1:2-3 ESV)
(Malachi 1:2-3 ESV)
I believe we are brought up with a deserving attitude. We firmly believe in our hearts that we deserve the best and that we deserve it now. I've seen it at both of my work places. I've literally hear men and women say "I will do what I want to how I want to." But when it comes to the consequences of our actions we are quick to defend ourselves and we legitimately believe we don't deserve to be treated so "unfairly".
I believe we need to redefine some words in our vocabulary.
The word: fair. Our definition (in the way we act) would classify fair as whatever benefits me. The criminals should receive a penalty for their crimes until I become a criminal. At that point it becomes unfair that a life sentence would be my penalty. The real definition of fair, however, is by righteous judgement of actions in accordance with some standard or rule. God always makes His standards clear, and the standard is Himself.
The words: good and bad. To us, good and bad are based on emotions, that's why the standards and laws for us are always changing. God defines good and evil right from the beginning. His intentions, His creations are both good. The first hint of evil comes out of lies, deceit and betrayal and from that day forward all the intentions of man's heart are evil.
So, as cliche' as it may sound, if we were to better define these words we would say that God is fair, God is good. He is the standard and we do not measure up.
I say all of this to pull you back into this verse from Malachi. The Lord loves us, not simply an emotional love and definitely not because we earned anything. What I am about to say is hard to hear, and some of you may not like to hear it, but the truth is God is free to choose who He will and will not extend grace to. To those who believe, it is a free gift, no earning it no losing it-ever! To those who choose to deny His love and resist His word, their own evil falls on their own heads.
But we did not even deserve this chance! From the very begging the standard for sin was death, yet God allowed us in grace to live. Not only to live, but also to live again with Him (eternally)! Not only that, but because He knew man would fail to provide an acceptable sacrifice, He never demanded one, but provided one on our behalf (Himself)!
Yet we, like the Israelites, have the audacity to sit back and question, "How have you loved us?". What we are really asking is, why would you allow pain and hurt and sin and doubt. Why would you not give us what we think is good and fair? It's hard for me to say this, I relate to the Israelites so much on this, but God is loving us even through these things. He loves us because He saved us. He loves us because He bears with us and is patient through our sin. He loves us even though He isn't obligated to.
We need to redefine love. God is love.
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